Sunday, November 11, 2012

The night before... yet again

I'm a bit anxious tonight as I await the airport tomorrow. There is nothing like being turned away from your flight and then having to go back and face it again. Jesus, please get me on that plane tomorrow!

(Do Not Be Anxious!)

These past two weeks have actually been really good for me. God always knows what's He's doing and although there was no burning bush, no voice from Heaven, or no natural disaster...He did use this time. I got to spend some great time with my family (specifically my nephew whose favor I have won again after being in and out of his life so much this year), mend some relationships and actually take some personal down time. (Although, I was laughing with my sister in law that I haven't been in the same place for more than 2 weeks since....well, Uganda in April) So, I"m ready.

Today at church was amazing for a few reasons:
1. The ending song was the same song I sang in Austin, TX in Feb. when I knew without a doubt that I was being called to Africa..,and here it was, sending me off today as well.
2. The sermon was on not forgetting the details as we run towards the main event (ie: the path that has brought me this far to go back to Africa). Here's a few that came to mind:
being moved (and somewhat stripped)  from my community and close friends, quitting my job (and the entire process that took to step in faith), living out of a suitcase for a year and a half, learning to be okay being alone, vaccines, passports, saving money for over 5 years, learning to live on minimal supplies/clothes, downloading hundreds of podcasts and worship songs to keep my heart and soul lifted, major sicknesses, working my booty off in Alaska so I could afford to live again (90 hr weeks for 5 months), mental/emotional/physical/financial/and spiritual prep....and the list goes on and on.

I love that I will be ending 2012 in Africa as I began it there earlier this year. Never would I have imagined.... What a year this has been! Jesus, may you be honored through me this year!

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